The holidays are always a wonderful time of giving. Oftentimes we feel within our soul a strong desire to give to those we love and to give to those less fortunate. There’s something special about giving. It makes us feel good, and it makes us feel more loving toward others. It also helps us feel closer to God.
Have you ever given a gift to someone you loved or was in need, and you felt good about it the rest of the day? It put you in a happier and brighter mood. Oftentimes, you will find that the happy feeling lingers far longer when you have given something to someone than when you have received something, knowing you have brightened another person’s day. God knew we would feel this way. The Bible tells us we will be “refreshed.” Proverbs 11:24-25 says: “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” I believe “refreshed” is that lingering feeling we experience after giving to others.
Love is the greatest gift of all. God knew this. He gave us the greatest indescribable gift. He gave us His one and only Son, Jesus, to save us from our sin, giving us everlasting life if we believe in Him. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 This “gift” is why we celebrate Christmas. God wants us to give, and He wants us to be cheerful in doing so. “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
May we celebrate the beauty of giving this Christmas Holiday!
May we be receptive to God’s many gifts and blessings…..with a desire to share those blessings with others!