Last year was quite the year, wasn’t it? It seemed like total chaos, with one hit after the after … Riots, Covid-19, masks, elections, home schooling, self-isolating, working from home, job losses, etc. It seemed like craziness and uncertainty had impacted almost everyone world-wide in one way or another. This year, we continue to have … Riots, Covid-19, vaccinations, masks, results of elections, homeschooling, self-isolating, working from home, job losses, etc. Many are worrying about their futures and uncertain at…..
I posted yesterday on my Author’s Facebook Page about the devotional I read regarding wisdom. Wisdom is of such great value that it is worth our taking time to think about it and to understand its importance. Proverbs 3:14 indicates that wisdom is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. We’ve all felt that pressure of making wise decisions, and sometimes it can cause worry and anxiety when we’ve made the wrong decision, or uncertainty when we’ve…..
Recently, I woke up in the middle of the night with the thought that God would like everyone to take a risk in reading the Bible. I often wake up in the middle of the night with a line running through my head, and must sit up and write it down so I do not forget by morning. In writing poetry, this happens frequently. I write when inspired, even in the middle of the night. In my sleep-fogged haze, while…..