In my book, I feature one of my poems: “Answered Prayer.” Here is the backstory behind that poem:
How often have we prayed and felt, just because we did not get an answer right then or did not receive the answer that we wanted, that the answer must be a “no” ? Really, God has other, better plans that we just don’t see.
I was inspired to write this poem when my husband applied for a position with a company he had been with for many, many years, but even through praying, did not get the job. I told him God must have other plans, and we needed to be thankful.
A few short months following this, we found out that the company decided to end the position, letting the employee go and did not intend to re-hire for this position. We could then see that God did indeed have other plans. We realized that what we pray for may not be what God wants of us and may not be part of His plan. Had God given us what we thought we so desperately needed and wanted, my husband would have been without a job.
God does indeed answer prayer with the knowledge of the plans He has for us. Hence, it is why he tells us to be thankful for all things and trust in Him.
We don’t always get what we want in life, but God is always there. Just because we’ve asked, we may not receive, but it still is answered prayer.
We often think because we have prayed the answer will surely be “yes.” But if our request does not come right away, then the answer’s been delayed, we guess.
But God, in His Fatherly wisdom, knows all about us and our future can see. And perhaps His response is a resounding, “no.” For what we’ve asked for is not to be.
So, trust that God has complete control. He surely knows what’s best to do. And trust the results of your fervent prayer is the answer He wants for you!– Lisa Michele Neu – “The Fingers of God”
To read more poems like “Answered Prayer,” check out my book, “The Fingers of God,” here.