Times right now seem scary and uncertain to many around the world. A time that we have never really experienced before……working from home rather than our usual off-site office; self quarantining from others, not venturing out unless we have to; seeing shortages of paper and food supplies at the store when we do dare venture out; so many getting ill and many dying from a dangerous virus that is impacting the whole world. There is sickness, pain, and loss……loss of loved ones, jobs, income, savings.
And, yet, I believe there is also a hope. A hope for many who believe that we are in the palm of God’s hands, and who have a deep faith and knowledge that He is looking out for us as we place our trust in Him. Right now, there is a sense of pulling together as a family, a community, a nation, and even as a world.
There is also a certain strength and trust that can be gained by turning to God during this time of uncertainty. God is always with us. He knows what we are going through. He knows the plans He has for us. He wants us to seek him and to turn to Him in our hour of need.
Now could certainly be our “hour.” God wants mankind to turn to Him and to place our trust in Him. He wants us to cast our anxiety on Him. To believe in Him. He will see us through all things if we just will trust.
May we all take time to pray for others around the world, for our nation, for our town or city, for our homes, our family, our friends, that we each may seek God’s shield and protection now and in the days ahead during this time of anxiety and uncertainty.
May God be with each of us as we feel His presence, guidance, strength, and direction today and always, no matter the circumstance. He promises to be with us always, and I believe this from the bottom of my heart.
May we each believe in the strength beyond the strongest cord that can be found in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Blessings to each of you always!
Please check out my daily inspiration postings on my Author’s Facebook Page: Lisa Michele Neu